Dental Sedation


Dr. Renu offers dental treatment at their comfort level with options to choose from nitrous, intravenous sedation, and general anesthesia. Nitrous is good for patients who are anxious about needles, smell, or sound in the clinic. it takes the edge of the pain away and makes the overall experience more pleasant for the patients. Intravenous sedation is good for patients who are looking for the next level of comfort to get extensive surgical dental procedures. Dr. Renu works with a Specialist anesthetist in the clinic setting to provide this service on a monthly basis.


What is Intravenous Sedation?
Intravenous (IV) sedation, also known as “twilight” or “conscious sedation”, is an anesthetic technique by which the patient receives intravenous doses of anesthetic agents to create a very sleepy and pleasant dream-like state. Under sedation, the patient remains relaxed, comfortable, and unaware of his/her surroundings while still maintaining the ability to breathe on his/her own. The ultimate goals are to provide optimal working conditions while you stay conscious and responsive yet in a calm, dream-like state where time just flies by. No discomfort, just results!


Why have IV sedation?

IV sedation is beneficial for multiple circumstances. In a dental office, it is most used for:
● Anxiety or fear/phobia about procedures, like dental work.
● Traumatic procedural experiences in the past.
● Dislike needles, drills, pain/discomfort, tastes, or smells associated with dental procedures
● Strong gag reflex.
● Long and complex procedure
● Difficulty sitting still in the chair or procedural table.

Intravenous Sedation Procedures